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About Myself |
I am a B.E in Information Technology form Lingaya's
Institute of Management and Technology Faridabad, India.
I have worked on VC++, MFC, ASP, ASP.NET ,Sql Server. Currently
I am working on Visual C++ and MFC.
I made a free open source firewall for windows
which can be find in MYProjects
I am currently working in GloalLogic, Noida.
For any comments and suggestions Contact Me at :
MySpace profile: Here
If you are using Google chrome download Amazon Discount Finder for Chrome Here
Amazon is really the best online shopping site. But problem is Amazon is really huge. Amazon offers tons of deals, rebates, and coupons but weaving through the endless pages is not easy.
So solve this issue we have created this small utility that will help you search all deals hidden inside amazon.
Amazon itself has great search option but does not provide options for search based on Price range and percentage of discount. Amazon Deals finder will really help in finding the best discount and make most from your hard earn money.
Amazon Deal finder will help user get upto 90% of discount from the listed price.

Amazon Deals finder User Interface

Application make use of some of the amazon hacks and direct you to amazon web site itself.
Features :
- Provide Advance search options for
- Provide quick links for:
- Amazon Deals Page : Shows deals page from
- Todays GoldBox deals : Shows Todays GoldBox deals page.
- Todays Recommendations : Shows best deals based on your interest.
- Search based on Discount range : You will be able to search all product having discount from 40% to 50%.
- Short Search Results based on:
- Bestselling
- Relevance
- Price:Low to High
- Price:High to Low
- Alphabetical:A to Z
- Alphabetical:Z to A
- Average Customer Review
- Featured Items
- Price range : user can enter prices range for which he want to see results.
Requirements :
- Windows Xp or Higher
- Dot net framework 2.0 or higher
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