Bulk Rename Utility is a simple utility which allows you
to rename multiple files and folders, based upon flexible
criteria. For example, you can add a prefix or suffix to
a file, or you can change of the file name.
I create this utility because i usually need
to convert all the files in a folder to lowercase to upload
my site. as Linux servers are case sensitive.but with time
i added more functions to it.

Bulk Rename is completely written in VC++ using MFCYou can
download this Bulk Rename with complete source code from
the hyperlink provided at the bottom of the page.
Tools Used :
1) VC++ using MFC
2) some nice classes from
Features :
- Change case of all the files and subfolders of the selected
Change case to Lower Case , Upper Case , Title Case.
- Replace a character or text with another text from all
file name or folder names.
- Remove a character or text from all file name or folder
- Add a suffix or Prefix to all file name or folder names.
- A prograss bar shows the Current status.
- An Error log is generated at the end of th operation
Requirements :
About Us :
This firewall is made by Sudhir Mangla
For any of your comments, suggestions and queries Please
mail me at Admin@ProgrammerWorld.NET
Information :
I have use many third party classes from
Technical :
Project consists of two parts UI and Backend.
It contains two projects 1.) RenameUtility 2.)BulkRename
1.) RenameUtility :
It consists of UI part from where the user interact with
the application.
It implement Callback functions and Worker thread to update
the progress bar.
and call CBulkRename class to perform
various operation.
2.)BulkRename :
It implements CBulkRename class which
perform all the desire operation . this class is implemented
as a Regular DLL to extend the functionality in Future releases.
as the user select the folder on which the operation will
be performed a therad start calculating the total no of
files in that directory that will be used to show progress
as user click a button to perform some action a new thread
is launched to performe that action and threw a custom callback
function progress bar is updated.
if some error occurred while renaming that file is skiped
and operation continue to next file and that file name is
added to the error log that will be dislayed at the end
of the operation.
it is current a beta release it may contains many bugs.
so please mail me if you find any bugs and if possible
also send me a solution to the problem.
Terms and Conditions :
If any one wants to use these projects for his College
projects and for commercial use first mail me at Admin@ProgrammerWorld.NET
You are free to use it and are welcome to do further work
to improve It and add more features to it. Please send me
your source code if you have added new features to it if
you like to share it with me.
Download :